My wife, Karen, is clearly and correctly appalled by my lack of floral knowledge, beyond the myriad of colours and my destructive nature in the garden. Occasionally I manage a name or two after hearing some mention of it ... dropping it into conversation just to sound good. A favourite family holiday game is to photograph Dad (me!) with his head stuck in some flowering bush to get a close up. To whit, Lombard Street (the crookedist street in San Francisco. Tourists taking snaps of the street, while I was busy with the marvellous Bourganvillea display.
Sadly no scents are available, but let the colours speak for themselves in a bouquet that never needs watering. Sometimes the contrast of a simple black background bursts the colour and shape and defies any need for post processing tinkering.

Seeds Pop

Red Rose bud

Sunny disposition


Patriotic Roses

Through the flowers

Golden Lily

Raindrops on Red

Yorkshire Rose

Soft landings

Catching a breath

Just visiting

Red, White & Blue

Kangaroo Paw

It's a pollen raid

Window frame

Kerbside appeal

Flourescent flowers

All along the road side

Now I know : Waratah

Spring has Sprung!

Tricolour in Situ

Hearts on a string perhaps ?

Roses and Raindrops

Taking cover

Busy, busy bee

Yellow Rose of Texas ?

Bee sharp

Be upstanding

Rose & Thistle

Golden dandelion

Spot a raindrop

Lavendar farm

After the shower

Light through the canopy

A Ladder

Used to be blackboys

Burned Bark


Jacaranda Burst

Woodland carpet

Grand Canyon Tree

Bee at the Blue Gate

Lavendat field

Poppy Tricolour

Through the Canopy

Wild Niagara Winter Winds