Welcome to my Ph-Art Photo Portfolio.
Ph-art is an irreverent title with reference, or should that be deference, to Photographic Art and envious respect due to those who can create with pen, pencil and paint - and deference to my old art master at school, who was right all along! Again it begs the debate of " Is photography art? "
No longer is it true that the camera never lies, but while I aspire to clean authentic photographs I am not averse to a little post production. So some may have a tweak of sharper colour, style or definition. Others may look like a travelogue - and some (like the Grand Canyon group) are my impressions, as the weather dynamics can change the view in a matter of seconds.
This project started as merely accessible storage for a couple of journals - puffins and red kites. I never meant it to turn into a "holiday snaps" collection to bore the neighbours.
Indeed, the ultimate irony of this collection is a scene etched indelibly in my memory bank and not committed to hard drive or paper or even webpage... a late night drive across desert terrain with no lights for hours. Heading for the comfort of a bed in Las Vegas, the road started a steady incline. At the brow at the top, the pitch black sky gave way to Vegas in the valley below in full unadulterated, neon, fluorescent, electric busting g(l)ory. I really must go back one day with the camera.
I am merely a happy amateur, who would welcome constructive advice or a mention of any particular favourite you may have... so "The Jury is out !" and take a peep at the albums alongside.
Cheers, dBy.